Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Your Own Picture Bingo

If you want another great idea for your family reunion, here it is! I created a bingo game for my Ruff Family Reunion last weekend. Check it out!
Click here to see my Bingo Cards.

They were created on 12x12 pages. I used a template in the Heritage Makers Template Gallery. There are 24 spots for pictures and each card is different. I used 40-50 total pictures and put them on my Bingo Deck.

We played the game with Skittles. I shuffled the card and read the hint on the card deck and the grandkids marked the picture on their page. Even little kids could play as I showed them the picture on the Bingo Deck.

What I loved about this game the most was, as we played the game, my neices and nephews were learning the stories that went with the pictures. They had a great time. I think I will exapand the deck next year and add a few more Bingo cards so we can play longer. Everyone LOVED it!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Heritage Makers Opportunity

Do you have a passion for preserving your family stories? Do you know someone who does? A rewarding career as a Personal Publishing Consultant may be just the thing!

I have been a Heritage Makers Personal Publishing Consultant for 18 months now. I became a consultant after I sold my previous business, because I LOVED the books and knew I would not be able to publish all the books I had in my head within our new one-income family budget!

My husband agreed to switch back to white bread so I could have my premier membership (I’m not kidding), but I knew I needed to share the idea with others here and there to be able to pay for my own publishing.

With my little business, I choose my own hours and go out one night a week for appointments and presentations. And I LOVE IT! Some of the people I talk to are inspired by the message of heritage, but choose to keep their memories another way. Many more are excited by the EASY software and our beautiful heirloom-quality books. No matter how people choose to keep their memories, if they are finally inspired to go home and do it, I have done my job.

And, yes, there is BIG money to be made in personal publishing. At Heritage Makers we choose not to participate in the recession! I am happy to say that we eat the BEST wheat bread now—and I don’t even bake! We have been able to live some of our dreams such as taking the kids to Disneyland and getting a new car---finally! And I have a stack of books that I have published over the last 18 months that are worth more to me than gold.

Did you know we are the only digital direct sales company? Some of you may have had an account with Heritage Makers longer than I have! But did you know that we are only BARELY out of the gate and ready for some explosive growth? One of my mentors who makes tens of thousands of dollars a MONTH with Heritage Makers said recently, “I feel like we have finally figured this out and we are just moving up to the starting line.”

This is still a ground-floor opportunity!

Please forward this postto anyone else you think might be interested, too!


Debbie Rasmussen

Your Personal Publishing Consultant

801-489-8686 OR 801-360-0977

Friday, January 9, 2009

Making Valentines for School

O.K., let’s be honest. Are you the kind of parent who is THRILLED to sit down and help your child make valentines for 29 other kids in their class?

I have to confess that I AM NOT. I always run to the grocery store last minute and get whatever dumpy card is left and attach it to the cheapest piece of candy I can find—or not. It is just not something I think about.

This year, however, I am thinking ahead! I just found a very cheap, awesome way to do Valentines on Heritage Makers. There is a new template for a deck of cards that can be made into Valentines for your kids. This allows them to put their picture on the card and address each one to someone the love (or someone they are required to give one to, whatever the case may be : ).

Half of the deck is for the girls, the other half is for the boys. These decks retail for $20 (52 cards) but are included in our Valentine Package at a considerable discount.

The decks will also go on sale on Monday, for one day only, 2 decks for $30.
These specials are for pre-purchased publishing credits and are available only through me, your Heritage Makers consultant!

Please call me ASAP 801-489-8686 to order your Valentine package or put in a pre-order for the Monday sale.

Also, I want to thank my Utah clients who came to my free digital scrapbooking/storybooking class last night. We had a FULL house and learned a lot and I am so sorry that we were not able to fit all who wanted to come. We will have another one soon! In the meantime, there are classes offered all the time from Heritage Makers that you can access from the “Classes” link in “My Studio” in your Heritage Makers account.

Please don't hesitate to call me as you work on your projects and need little help.